Padman made me smile, chuckle, laugh out loud, cry and all theemotions in between... --Diana Stroud, Amazon.comIn this collection of personal essays, Mark Elswick offers humorousepisodes about being a man and father. Whether its his daughter sendinghim to the store to buy those... well, things that transforms him intoPadman; his realization that at forty-two, he is slowly turning into anold man; or his reaction to his middle school aged daughter dating aman two years older than her, readers--male and female alike--willfind themselves cracking smiles when they arent busy laughing out loud.Elswick also has a serious side to him. Interspersed with the comicaltales are heartfelt looks into the lives of people who experience a TraumaticBrain Incident (TBI) injury, including his own story of being in alife-threatening car accident that left doctors predicting he would be avegetable for the rest of his life. With compassion and insight, while retaininghis sense of humor, Elswick writes to raise awareness about TBI;a portion of Padman: A Dads Guide to Buying... Those, and Other Talesproceeds will go to TBI research.Acclaim for Elswicks PadmanI am officially announcing my own support for Mark Elswick, thewriter who won his own battle with TBI and is now giving back of himselfto those who are continuing or just beginning theirs. Padman offersan edutaining read on a subject that is anything but humorous. And itunderscores the importance of embracing now the devastation of TBIamong the general public, as well as in the face of our affected troops returninghome. --Joseph Yurt, Reader ViewsMark Elswicks style of humor will be appreciated by any male readeras he pokes fun at himself and the feminine world that he often perceivesto be threatening his masculinity. Plus, whats better than helping a goodcause (Traumatic Brain Injury research) while getting some laughs!--Tyler R. Tichelaar, PhD, author of the award-winning Narrow Live
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