Path of Remembrance
Hidayat Inayat-Khan is the youngest son of Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927), founder of the International Sufi Movement. Hidayat Inayat-Khan is at this moment the president of the International Sufi Movement.The word Zikar means remembrance. Remembrance of the Presence of God. The practice of Zikar is the repetition ofthe sacred sentence: La El La Ha El Allah Hu, which means Nothing exists save God, God alone is. The practice of Zikar is a deep and profoundly mystical practice. The more it is explored the more is there to explore.The Singing Zikar is one of the most beautiful legacies of Hazrat Inayat Khan given to his mureeds. It is a melodic Zikar based on an Indian raga, a melodic pattern in accompaniment with the syllabics La El La Ha El Allah Hu. The Singing Zikar gives a deep mystical experience and carries one, like the flying carpet in fairy tales, right up into Heaven.This book is a beautiful and extensive guide to every mureed who wishes to pracice the Singing Zikar.
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