Path of the Devil
This story was based on true events of three men determinedto bring down a notorious drug cartel operating along thesouthwestern border of the United States. For five years the menspearheaded separate but simultaneous investigations in differentlocations around the country. According to a March 1997 report byMike Gallegher, investigative reporter for the Albuquerque Journal,along the border between United States and Mexico, from Tijuana,Mexico/San Diego, California to Matamoros, Mexico/Brownsville,Florida, there are twelve Gatekeepers who form “a syndicate of themajor drug cartels operating in Mexico.”1 The syndicate controlsindividual regions for smuggling narcotics and drugs into the U.S.and transportation of weapons to Central and South America. Thecartels “coordinate bribes at the national level, oversee moneylaundering operations and negotiate the shipment of drugs at theinternational level.”2One case, conducted by DEA Agent Larry Ray Hardin, tookplace in Yuma and San Luis, both cities in Arizona. Another caseoccurred simultaneously in Los Angeles, California, and wasconducted by private investigators Jeff Pearce and RandyTorgerson of the Pearce Corporation. About one year into the cases,they found themselves making connections with the Merazorganization, a drug cartel in San Luis, Rio Colorado, Mexico, andtheir connections and businesses conducted in Los Angeles.Experiences from their investigation, surveillance, andcollection of intelligence to build the cases present a compellingstory leading to what became of the Meraz family, theirorganization, and the three young men. The intensity of this work –and in some instances, the fun times – relate how events such asthese shaped each of their lives.
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