Educators everywhere will want their hands on this book! Cover to cover, this book delivers on showingexactly what the title says: pathways between Eastern and Western education systems. Why will you want tobuy this book?Readers will love the idea that different systems have a lot to share. Through a blend of anecdotes and clearinformation, Hudson paints a vivid picture of both systems, and provides plenty of opportunity to explorechild-centered education, differentiated learning, curriculum, assessment, and a lot more. Theres lots ofstrategies to try out Monday morning, or sit with a coffee for a few hours to think about your practice, andwhere you have room to grow.Plenty of new ideas pepper the book. From a fresh new take on what learning is to the power of assessment,theres plenty here for refreshing debate.Hudsons view takes in a wide swath: truly big ideas from a 35,000 foot viewpoint! Would you be able to sumup the two systems in ten words or less? From the very first page, youll be keen to see how!Parents, veteran teachers, administrators, politicians, students of education, all will find plenty to think about here, and lots to talk about.Hudson wants us all to take a refreshing new pathway to growth in education, whether we are Eastern, Western, young or old.This is your book; see what everyone is talking about and get excited about education again!
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