How do you remain at peace while you fight the battles of life? The definition of Peace (Shalom) is nothing missing and nothing broken. The process of getting and living free involves some conflict. The conflict isnt with another - its within you. Explore the territory that is your life. Confront and overcome the enemies that would have you remain a victim. Live fully the adventure of discovering yourself, the true you. Gideon Coddings PEACE WARS is an empowering book. He reveals the deeper meanings behind names and events, giving readers glimpses into themselves and revealing ways to attain inner peace. In Scripture, the Israelites fought battles against seven nations before they could dwell in their promised land. The names of the nations they fought symbolize the main characteristics of the battles and struggles you may be fighting daily. Each of these nations holds keys to reaching your destiny today. God wants you to live in freedom and rest. The children of Israel had to fight some battles before they could rest in the provision of the Promised Land, so do you. PEACE WARS reveals that every person has to overcome these seven nations in their soul in order to come into the fullness of the Promised Land. The enemies will certainly not give up territory without a fight. They will war against your soul for control. But if you decide to not give control to them and also ask God for help, God will give you victory because He has already overcome. Peace is your inheritance, relational harmony with each other. It is your natural state. PEACE WARS will help you get there.
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