Perfection Collides With Free Will
“Eve was made to be in submission to Adam.”“Men are stronger than women and natural leaders.”“Eve’s weakness brought sin into the world.” “Women shouldn’t speak in church.”While some in the Christian community are stuck on questions like those above, traditional ideas about gender are being debated and changed.  Would you like to know what the timeless wisdom of the Bible offers in rebuttal to all the noise around us?  Whether we are Christ followers or not, the Bible has much to teach us about how to be male and female at home, in the community and in religious gatherings.     This book begins in the first three chapters of Genesis.  Usually seen as a history of (or metaphor about) human origin, Genesis is really about purpose and relationships.  In three short chapters Genesis builds a foundation for understanding why we exist, how we are meant to live and how a historically bad attempt at rebellion threw all human relationships into turmoil.      But the story doesn't end with conflict.  Instead of walking away from the rebels, God put a plan into motion to guide them – and us – onto a path toward interpersonal and spiritual healing.  That path becomes clear as the book transitions from Genesis into a study of the words and deeds of Jesus and his apostles.     Some readers will find their closely held beliefs challenged. Others will see their beliefs confirmed.  But no one will read this book without discovering principles that have the power to improve their relationships with their Creator and with the people around them, be it at home, work, church, in the community or even on social media.      After decades of study, prayer and meditation, Gary Williams crafts a conversation about gender roles and relationships that helps readers make up the
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