Photography Demystified
Photography Demystified—Your Guide to Exploring Light and Creative Ideas, Taking You to the Next Level builds upon the knowledge gained from my first book in the series. After reading the first volume, you are now ready to take all of that knowledge, get out there, and take even more amazing photographs than you ever dreamed. The problem—what to photograph, what specifics to consider for that situation, and when and how to do so?Specific situations, such as times of day, specific light, gear choice, nightscapes, street scenes, people, landscapes, and more, all have certain intricacies, limitations, and issues that need to be considered when approached. Now that you have learned all about exposure, lenses, histograms, and more, in my first volume, this book is the next step in the process of Photography Demystified!In volume 2, I am going to take you to the next level with your photography. This book will give you very specific directions in making truly amazing photographs of very specific subject matter.Photography Demystified, Your Guide to Exploring Light and Creative Ideas, Taking You to the Next Level, has been designed to get you out and shooting!This book will give you the tools, education, and chapter “Take Action Assignments” needed to get incredible photographs of landscapes, street scenes, nightscapes, people, and more. It is filled with not only what to photograph but how to photograph each subject presented. As a bonus, an entire section is dedicated to the quality of light, the best times of day to photograph, and how to do so!Photographers, camera buffs, photo enthusiasts, and many others who struggle with understanding photography concepts, exposure, and their camera manuals have already experienced my proven methods of teaching beginning photography in volume 1. This book will take you to the next level, helping you to obtain very specific results in many types of photographic situations.Don’t be the person
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