Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Lake Ecosystem
The term Water quality refers to the physical, chemical and biological parameters of water and all these characteristics directly or indirectly influence the survival and production of aquatic animals. Pollution of surface water has been growing incessantly in India particularly due to the indiscriminate discharge of waste water from various sources without using any water treatment techniques. Assurance of drinking water safety is a foundation for the prevention and control of water borne diseases. The present attempt was made in the physico-chemical characteristics of two perennial lakes such as Sulur and Ukkadam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, were flood plain nature lakes. The perennial lakes are used for aquaculture and stored at ground water levels increasing processes. The lakes habitat, various physical properties and chemical factors are very important for growth of phytoplankton on which zooplankton and some higher consumer depend on their existence. Therefore, the present book (Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Lake Ecosystem) would be immensely useful to the Students, Researchers, Environmental Scientists, Environmental Managers and Fish Farmers.
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