Physics and Vertical Causation
C O N T E N T SPreface i1 The Origin of Quantum Theory 12 The Quantum Enigma 73 Finding the Hidden Key 134 Three Vertical Powers of the Soul 31—Free Will as Vertical Causality [35]—The Verticality of Visual Perception [37]—The Verticality of Intellect [41]5 The War on Design 45The Theoretical Basis of Einsteinian Physics [48]—The Empirical Argument Contra Einsteinian Physics [62]—Unmasking “Anthropic Coincidence” [71]6 The Emergence of the Tripartite Cosmos 777 The Primacy of Vertical Causality 938 Pondering the Cosmic Icon 101—The Aeviternity of the Spiritual State [106]—The Primacy of the Intermediary [107]—The Primacy of Time [107]—The Cyclicity of Time [107]Postscript 123Index 127About the Author 129
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