Platos Cave
Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you intothe deepest valleys; look upon them as your beloved sons, and theywill stand by you even unto death.-Sun TzuFourth Platoon was shot all to hell coming out of the A Shau Valley. John and Gunny were dead. Two other Marines bound for Glory with them. The last helicopter lifted away under a hail of enemy machine gun fire. Knoxville, Tennessee seemed a million miles away, Young High School, the Southern Circle Drive In Restaurant, Suzie and Samantha, the rock quarry. Red lay ina pool of his own blood thinking about his mama and daddy on Gilbert Lane. Pasamenuswas doing his best to help his damaged friend, but Pasamenus was fighting his own battle against post traumatic shock. Red passed out while the pilot was shouting something about losing altitude. 1968 was a bad year for both Hanoi and Washington. Hanoi was losing everybattle and Washington was losing the war.Platos Cave, taken from The Republic written around 370 BC, describes an allegorybetween perceived reality and the actual truth. Vietnam was like that. Come with usnow on our return voyage into the Iron Storm, in this, the sequel to Garden of Eden.Guard against the imposters of pretended patriotism. -George WashingtonAll right, theyre on our left, theyre on our right, theyre in front of us, theyre behind us ...they cant get away this time. -Major General Lewis B Chesty Puller, USMC, Chosin Reservoir, Korea
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