Podcasting for Teachers Using a New Technology to Revolutionize Teaching and Learning (Revised Second Edition) (PB)
A volume in Emerging Technologies for Evolving LearnersSeries Editors Kathleen P. King and Mark Gura, Fordham UniversityThis book introduces and explains this important new technology from the perspective of educators. It alsoprovides new insights into the ways that technology can provide solutions to instructional needs that have notbeen sufficiently addressed until now. Not only does it provide concrete explanations, examples, models, anddetails about methods and resources that are not currently illustrated in other publications, but it also revealsa new rationale for the use of technology in education.This book helps readers apprehend critical issues essential to understanding and taking advantage ofpodcasting and related technologies as an educational resource:What podcasting isHow to do podcastingHow to plan podcasting-based activities for studentsHow to create podcasts as teaching resourcesHow to use podcasting for professional developmentModels developed specifically by the authors regarding:Podcast developmentEducators’ learning curve in podcastingCost/benefit decision making regarding podcasting projectsK – 12 school district directors of curriculum and instruction and directors of professionaldevelopment, as well as classroom teachers, principals, and instructional supervisors across the corecurriculum and in the area of Instructional Technology; and teacher educators and other college facultywill find this book a valuable resource. Readers may use the book as part of their own efforts to expandtheir teaching or staff development practice. It can also be an important resource for Education coursesin content instruction and Instructional Technology and serve as a valuable reference for educatorsinterested in educational applications of technology.What you will find in this revised and updated edition?New for this edition are valuable additional insights and updates related to our additional years ofexperience in podcasting and n
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