Dyscalculia. Dyslexia. Processing disorders. ADHD. High functioning Autism. ESOL. Special students require accommodations, and PolyMath Assessments has them built in! This book has math tests aligned to state standards (yes, all 50 of them) with built-in accommodations for SLD's and other issues. Home school families, here's your instant math portfolio. Teachers, the tests are rigorous, valid, and based on scientific research studies. Tutors, use these tests to gauge real-world academic progress. Answer keys and extra resources are included in the book, and there's a glossary of terms to help parents understand their child's special academic needs. Use this book with any curriculum, education program, or instructional method. PolyMath Assessments makes evaluating and grading easy and appropriate for dyscalculic students (and works great with all learners!).
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