Portland Cement Technology 2nd Edition
Contents - Introduction - History of the Cement Industry - Raw Materials - Proportioning Raw Materials - Preparing the Raw Mix - Fuels - Clinkering - Power - Grinding the Clinker - Storing, Packing, Loading, Shipping - Plant Design - Experimental Engineering - The Nature of Cement - Analyses and Tests - Uniformity - The Nonaqueous Liquid Process - The Counter-Cyclone Clinkerer - Research in Science and in Engineering - Concrete Materials - Proportioning Materials for Concrete - Concrete Technology - Some Concrete Accomplishments - The Iris Color Process - Miscellany - Index - INTRODUCTION - Select some raw materials, proportion them, grind, heat,cool, and grind again. Reduced to simplest terms, this is theprocess for manufacturing portland cement. Mixing the cement,thus produced, with aggregates and water results inmortar or concrete, to obtain which cement is manufactured.What raw materials should be selected? How are they proportioned?How finely are they ground? To what temperatureare they heated? The attempt is made to answer theseand many other somewhat similar questions, on the basis ofthe information now available in the industry. The acquisitionof this information has resulted from the manufactureof portland cement for well over a century, from research,and from numerous trial and error procedures.This is a practical text and reference book. It is writtenfor persons, technical and non-technical, inside and outsidethe cement and concrete industries, and in fact for everyonesufficiently interested in cement to reach for a book on thesubject. Theoretical considerations have been kept at theminimum, consistent with a clear understanding of the subject.In conformity with the same policy, the number of formulasand tables has been restricted in the interest of continuityof the text. To some extent, references have beensubstituted for them. There would have been no difficulty inwriting a book that is nearly all formu
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