Positive Financial Karma
Dan Geltrude, known as “America’s Accountant,” delivers his unique brand of financial common sense in this breezy, easy-to-understand book, where you can learn how to achieve Positive Financial Karma.  There are many books about finance and there are books about karma, but very few combine the two.The easiest way to understand karma is to relate it to a boomerang.  In other words, your actions will come back to you so it’s best to always have positive intent.  For example, you may apply positive intent to better the environment by eliminating food waste in your life, in turn saving you hundreds or thousands of dollars a year in the process. Simple positive intentions transformed into uncomplicated actions can lead you to Positive Financial Karma.This book doesn’t just provide answers to many of life’s financial challenges but teaches you how to keep karma as part of your financial decisions. Whether you are a Millennial trying to learn about student loans, a Gen X’er learning about transportation options or a Baby Boomer learning about retirement readiness, this book is for you.  Small intentions that lead to actions can make a big difference in the financial lives of anyone who reads this book.The author’s intent is to expose you to a different way of approaching finances and to provide the tools needed for successful outcomes on multiple levels. By turning positive intention into positive action, you can achieve financial success at the highest level.
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