Protecting Children, Promoting Their Rights
Childrens rights can only be promoted if policy and practice are based on an understanding of their needs:.What are the connections between harm to children and young people and their everyday experience?.What is the connection between social conditions, attitudes to children, their rights and needs and levels of harm?.How should policies for children and families and the organisation and style of child protection services respond?The book provides examples of good practice-in direct work with children and families and in changing procedures, organisation and policy-which draw on such an understanding of rights and needs. Multidisciplinary strategic planning and advanced practice are emphasised.Contents: The Legal Framework for Child Centred Practice . Links Between Disadvantage and Harm to Children . Race and Child Protection . Issues in Education . Young Women and Sexual Harassment . Issues for parents . Issues for Mothers . Theoretical Debates - Feminism and Post-Modernism . User Friendly AssessmentNorma Baldwin is Professor of Social Work, University of Dundee.
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