Psalm Hymns, Books 1, 2, & 3
THIS IS THE BIG HANDBOOK, Books 1-3, PSALMS 1-89. Bring along this wonderful edition to study and sing on a tour of Israel... walking through the gates of Jerusalem, tracing the twelve tribes is enhanced. These are the songs and prayers of the shepherd boy turned King David.The Psalms were meant to be sung! This is your go-to resource for singable, recitable Psalm lyrics. Now you can sing your next Bible study. This is a game-like fun way to bond and discuss real life issues in any worship setting, and equip members in many aspects of theology. While some books teach about the Psalms, none offer small group participation, or quick personal memory work, like this.Recipient of the 2017 Illumination GOLD Medal in Education and Finalist in Foreword Performing Arts. Here are the musical contemplations of Queen Esther and the disciples of Jesus. Your spiritual ancestors also went through fire and flood.Who were the prophets who were forced to sing in exile for their captures?  Who were the Sons of Korah who escaped their father's destruction and became prolific songwriters? Find out in this collection of classics, Psalm 1 through 89.When adapting true scripture lyrics to traditional hymn tunes, young musical tastes can create fresh style.  Use for unique theater or drama presentations, for an emphasis in counseling, for left-brain-right-brain interactive exercises, for character building memory work, or as a pastoral aid. For private meditation and for worship retreats!Psalm Hymns reflect on the many loving-kindnesses of God and also contemplate the odd silences. Raw, classic prayers for a creative's portfolio. From the famous Psalm 5, Psalm 8, Psalm 23, Psalm 19 and Psalm 27 to the obscure Psalms: 1 to 4, or 9 through 17, and Psalms 35 and 36 onward, find the dramatic historical pleas of mortal souls together with their worship and praises in singing and recitation. Use this poetry for personal and communal reflection."The Psalms are prescribed and
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