Putting Off and Putting On
This study guide is about practical Bible psychology (from the Greek meaning literally to talk about the soul), in other words, a study of the Biblical view of human psychology. The apostle Paul challenged Christians to put on Jesus Christ - not to be conformed to this world but to seek those things above. That process is all about how we think and behave - the realm of psychology.The moment of salvation is a moment of Divine forgiveness for past sins, but does not erase ungodly habits that may have spawned past sinful behavior. Each Christian is to grow, being transformed into the image of the Lord. The Biblical process of putting off and putting on is the Lords method for our conquering ungodly habits that plague all who desire to be like Jesus Christ.The plain, practical language of this book shows you how to change behavior Gods way. Learn what the Bible says about habitual anger, depressive thinking, low self-esteem, and addictions; how to overcome ungodly behavior; and what motivates human behavior, both good and bad. Understanding the Biblical view of human psychology will equip you to distinguish the valid from the ungodly of secular psychology and psychotherapy.Includes discussion questions ideal for use in group studies at home or church.The author is a Bible student trained in therapeutic counseling and experienced in applying Biblical techniques to solving the behavioral problems of life.
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