Quantum Black Core Rules
What is Quantum Black?Quantum Black is a roleplaying game that uses the lightning fast Ubiquity rules engine. Theplayers will find themselves immersed in a ground breaking, fast paced cinematic action-orientedhorror game. The feel of Quantum Black will be familiar to the players, as The Quantum BlackSetting builds on the ideas of many of their favorite horror-action- oriented books and movies.The default campaign setting, takes place in a slightly different near future, wheresupernatural horrors are real and they are growing worse by the day. Evil cults, horrors frombeyond time and space, witches, vampires and demons all rise to terrorize this world. Someoneneeds to stop them.The characters have taken up this challenge as secretive agents of a powerful mega-corporation. The characters are not independent operatives, nor are they government agents. Theyhave neither the freedom nor the isolation of independent heroes. The corporation serves as apowerful patron who often sends them on missions. They will have better equipment than mostheroes in a horror game, whether independent or government. However, unlike government-supported heroes, they lack legal authority for their action.The horrors in the world of Quantum Black are growing…This book is the first in a series of books that will chronicle the escalation of the threats tothe world. While this book covers cosmic horrors, rest assured that this is the tip of a monstrousiceberg. As the chronicle continues, other threats will emerge, and the characters might confront amenagerie of terrors, including vampires, zombies, warlocks and demons. The characters will haveto learn what is causing the growing threat and what can be done to halt it.Welcome to world of Quantum Black, the modern-day action-horror roleplaying game.
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