Quotes to Motivate & Inspire
Finding Daily Devotional Time Just Got Easy... In our hectic society today, the demands on your time can become a burden. If you could only find a way to set aside some time to start your day in peace and quiet, all would be well. But time is so precious, and who has the time to sit alone and meditate every day before running out the door? Thats why I wrote this book, to help you get through every day of your life with grace and ease. Each quote has a brief message from me, intended to motivate and inspire you. I have discovered that quotes, words and ideas from other people, can have a profound impact on how I function in my day-to-day activities. When you introduce this reading into your life, as a daily devotional activity, youll find that investing one brief minute of time, putting a positive thought into your mind, will set the stage for you to enjoy a full, prosperous, and successful day, regardless of any circumstances you may be in at the time.
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