Race and Slavery in the Contemporary World
Race and Slavery in the Contemporary World begins with a message the author wrote to five prominent Black public figures. In the message, the author brought out several facts she had observed, including the way the government was not obeying its laws. Another major observation was how Amendment IX of the Bill of Rights was being broken.The Constitutional Laws of the US are intended to limit government power and put constraints on it, just as legislative laws are meant to constrain the citizens. This structure creates the rule of law that is essential to enjoying freedoms. The first part of the work is devoted to reflections on the value of a Black woman and is followed by reflections on why the Blacks were freed from slavery. Among the topics and issues examined are the definition of equality in America, changes in ownership of slaves, the impact of voting, and punishment for disobedience.These reflections are a part of voicing my grievances or complaints... My reflections might seem quite legal and historical. That is because I have found that at the root of the problems that I mention, including my own, is a law at the mercy of uncontrolled political thinking.Race And Slavery In The Contemporary World is an intensely thought-provoking work. The reader will find themselves asking the questions it raises, such as Why have we[Blacks] failed to negotiate our freedoms? The book explores insightful topics such as the philosopher Rousseaus description of the slavery paradox and enforcement of punishment. The more near to home topics such as harassment and impact on Black women are also well covered.Race and Slavery in the Contemporary World contains such topics concerning the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau;Rousseaus Description of the Slavery Paradox ; Definition of Slavery on Rousseaus Views; Analogy of Rousseaus Idea : An Agreement ; The Social Contract : Rousseaus Solution and Active Agreement, Ro
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