Rainbow Vision Journal ORANGE
How to have awesome experiences without worrying about time or money. We all have dreams, things we want to achieve in our life yet for some reason, we never get around to experiencing many of them. Why is that? I believe it is because we do not think to plan how to have fun. We are taught to plan for many things, but not how to plan for our own happiness. The biggest reason is because somewhere along the way, we have lost our self-worth and dont think we can have, nor do we deserve, a better life.  To change that, we need to gain clarity on what is deep in our heart, then we have to catch the dis-empowering thoughts that squash our dreams. Thoughts like: Who am I to write a book, how can I afford to travel overseas, or when will I ever have the time...? I call these Chaser thoughts because they stop us doing what makes our heart sing. This is common for anyone who has suffered from abuse or manipulation of some kind. We think we want to experience something, but we doubt ourselves because we have not learnt how to trust and listen to our heart, nor to value ourselves above all else. The ORANGE Journal in the Rainbow Vision Journal series helps you gain clarity on what is in your heart, your big dreams and your small dreams, so that you can start manifesting them now. This journal also helps you identify and then revise your Chaser thoughts, so they stop hindering your dreams.By following the guided suggestions and creating the visions, then using drawing like a child and writing from within techniques, you will learn how to use creativity as a tool to connect to your heart and manifest your chosen lifestyle. This fun journal will also help you to release any self-criticism that may be holding you back.  Journals do not judge or criticise, and that makes it a safe place to dream big and imagine the unimaginable. You can say and do anything you want and in so doing, you will discover what you have buried deep inside. Once you have clarity on this, you
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