Jamal shares his life of unprotected sex and the people who wanted it from him RAW even when they knew he was HIV positive. His life-lessons offer answers for people struggling with issues of honesty, integrity and self-acceptance.This book is about how sex controls the decisions we make; no one is left untouched with this real story about one man’s life of out of control sex! Comments by Dr. Loren Due:“In one place, the writer talks about choices which every man, and woman for that matter, must make when it comes to sexual behavior. He clearly wants to set the record straight by apologizing for having sex with underage individuals and to properly advise future partners of his HIV status. The incestuous behavior started when his father and brother molested him as a young boy. It’s easy to condemn someone but it’s not as easy to learn the graphic lesson being shared in this story.”Dr. Loren Due
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