Read and Think Russian An Intermediate Reader Book Two
Read and Think Russian is an intermediate level textbook primarily targeted atimproving students’ reading comprehension skills in the Russian language. However,the course is intended for all students seeking to reach an advanced level ofRussian in all modalities (speaking, reading, writing, and listening) according to theAmerican Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) scale. This bookis designed to bridge the gap between language teaching methodologies used inRussia and English-speaking countries, thus facilitating the preparation for studyand work abroad. It is suited for use in higher-level undergraduate courses, graduatecourses and continuing education for those professionally or academically involvedin Eurasian studies.Consisting of four chapters, Book II contains authentic, contemporary readingsegments full of practical knowledge about Russian Social Life. Crime andTerrorism, Religion and Culture. Each chapter includes helpful graphics as well asconcise vocabulary to assist the student in determining the main ideas, while alsopresenting grammatical reminders, translation exercises and questions to facilitatetopical discussions. 
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