Readings In Ancient History II - Rome And The West
READINGS M ANCIENT HISTORY ILLUSTRATIVE EXTRACTS FROM THE SOURCES II. ROME AND THE WEST BY WILLIAM STEARNS DAVIS , PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY WILLIS MASON WEST FORMERLY HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ALLYN AND BACON Htfn 0rfe Chicago AUTHORS PREFACE THIS book aims to set before students beginning the study of Ancient History a sufficient amount of source material to illustrate the important facts mentioned in every good text book. There is also a clear intent to give the reader some taste of the notable literary flavor pervading the histories of Greece and Home. It is a distinct loss of an opportunity to pass from the study e. g. of the Roman Emperors and to read no typical passages of Tacitus. This compilation has been prepared for constant use along with some stand ard text-book, and various matters of marked historical importance, as the Servian Constitution of Rome, have been deliberately omitted, because most school histories state the fact sufficiently - well, and little is added by reproducing the arid statements in L ivy. On the other hand, many tales have been included, like the story of Horatius at the Bridge or of Cincinnatus called from the Plow, which condensed histories may well slight but which afford refreshing illus trations of the ancient life or the ancient viewpoint. Comparing the compass of this work with the wide extent of available literature, it is evident that a very large num ber of desirable passages have been perforce omitted. There are practically no quotations from Cicero, because Cicero is a writer many students will earn a passing acquaintance with in the schools again, certain highly significant pas sages are omitted, because they are quoted in so many school histories. There are no quotations from many of iii IV AUTHORS PREFACE the poets, because the tragedians and lyricists were, after all, poets and not historians. The compiler has teen forc
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