Real Lean
This fourth volume of the REAL LEAN series brings Lean full circle. It shows how Lean management is itself a craft that can only be learned as any other craftsman would learn their trade. Few people understand Lean management in the context as a craft, including the best Lean practitioners and Lean thinkers external to Toyota. This unique perspective creates a much clearer impression of what executives need to do in order to become Lean leaders. Their learning must be much deeper than they might have imagined, but the result will be much better than they would have expected. As with prior Volumes of REAL LEAN, Volume Four of emphasizes Lean as a management system and the Respect for People principle because both are usually missing from the practice of Lean management today. Readers will find this book to be amazingly insightful and filled with practical information that will help them better comprehend and put REAL LEAN into practice every day.
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