Records To The Rescue!
Records to the Rescue! will help you document everything you need to remember and your loved ones need to know. Be better in control; Create a customized guide to your life; Note where important documents are kept; Allow someone to assist you when necessary; Be prepared for anything your future may hold.This organizer is designed to guide the reader through the process of recording his or her own essential information. It is intended to be a useful record and ease the administrative burden on family members.There are times in all our lives when the comfortable, well-trodden caarpet beneath our feet is pulled away, leaving us tumbling through the turmoil of a stressful and sometimes frightening new situation. This can happen at any age; we all know people whose lives have been shattered by divorce or death, illness, house fires, storms, hurricanes, tornados, floods, earthquakes, accidents, or simply the effects of aging.Most of us know that if we become incapacitated for any reason, our loved ones would not know where to begin to manage our affairs, and would have a daunting task on their hands.In spite of this, we are usually only told to "get our affairs in order" when we are seriously ill or elderly. So, right when we are most vulnerable and confused, and when our time is most precious to us we are expected to undertake this important task ... and even then, no one tells us how to do it, or even where to start!The intention of this organizer is to lead you through the process of obtaining and recording your important details and documents, noting where they are kept, and making it a specific guide to your life. It will enable you to be better in control; your loved ones will be able to use the organizer to help you when necessary, and you will have the confidence of knowing that you are one step ahead of any situation your future may hold."A clear and practical approach to gathering the essentials needed to manage one's life. It's a ref
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