Red Coats & Grey Jackets
... the definitive analysis of the battle of Chippawa. Donald Graves establishes its historical background, describes the opposing armies, brings them into battle, and assesses the results, without wasting a word yet his account of the battle combines high colour and exact detail. You find yourself alternately in the generals boots and the privates brogans, in all the smoke, shock and uproar of a short-range, stand-up fire fight. - John Elting, author of Swords Around a Throne: Napoleons Grande ArmeeAuthorA military historian with the Department of National Defence, Canada, Donald E. Graves has published many articles and monographs on warfare in the Mapoleonic period, including Sir William Congreve and the Rockets Red Glare (1989). Red Coats and Grey Jackets is Gravess sixth book. he is the author of The Battle of Lundys Lane, 1814 (1993) and co-author of Normandy 1944: The Canadian Summer (1994). His current project is to compile a comprehensive anthology of eyewitness accounts of the War of 1812. Donald Graves resides near Almonte, Ontario. when he is not researching or writing, he likes to engage in his two favourite hobbies emuwatching and viticulture.
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