Reden des Führers am Parteitag Großdeutschland 1938
This is a collection of ten speeches given by Adolf Hitler in 1938.1938 was a pivotal year for Hitler. It was the year of the Anschluss (union) of Austria with Germany. Hitler then proceeded to threaten and intimidate all the countries surrounding Germany. 1938 ended with the Munich Peace in Our Time accords and Hitler being named Time Magazines Man of the Year.Hitler certainly deserved that award as he clearly was the man of that year. Next year was when he started World War II. Throughout 1938, Hitler was making speeches. This is a remarkable fact. He rarely spoke except when he was giving speeches. He almost never had a normal conversation with anybody. Hitler always spoke in a high voice, practically yelling.Hitler never spoke extemporaneously. Every speech he gave he prepared and practiced in advance.Another fact that Hitler himself pointed out was that he had no military, political or scientific training. His only education was when he attended a Realschule , a lower level technical school usually for those who do not plan to attend university.So, how did a man with such a limited background become the most powerful man in the world? He did it through speech making. For this reason, these speeches should be carefully studied.For those who think these speeches are relics of the past, best forgotten, they should beware. Just as it has happened before it could easily happen again, and right here in America too.
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