Reincarnation Angels, Demons and Ghosts
The intent of writing this book was not to scare anyone but to make everyone of us, including myself, aware of the fact that there is life after death. Our soul keeps on living in another dimension. We are all accountable for our actions, thoughts, and intentions during our lifetime. Therefore, we must all be kind to one another, out of love for one another and not out of fear of retribution, so we can make this world a better place. After all, it is not only for the benefit of the people close to us and others we encounter during our lifetime but for our own as well. If you are true to yourself, pursue the truth, and are not afraid to face it, then this book is for you. We must all strive to become better people for everyones sake, including ourselves. There is judgment and a Judge after we die, and we must attest in front of the Judge to all of our actions, intentions, and thoughts during our lifetime here on earth.
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