Restored by Grace
Restored by Grace - A Journey Like No Other is a thought provoking read for men, women and teens. It covers most aspects of life from a personal level, and yet the trials and triumphs are familiar to both seasoned adults and our youth. Restored by Grace will give you tools to navigate your life journey more effectively. Its the perfect gift for anyone whos going through life challenges and those who seek to become more empowered today.Where would we be without grace? Most likely, wed be lost in a web of waywardness with absolutely no idea how to be set free. Many may feel caught in a wayward web right now - a web created by unwise decisions and choices made against sound counseling or better judgment. What we often fail to notice is the mighty hand of God in and on our life regardless of our circumstances, so out of desperation, frustration, or maybe a sense of urgency, the need to make hasty decisions arises.Obstacles, struggles, heartache, betrayal, and other difficulties are strategically placed for our growth, our good, and His glory. We never know what a new day may bring, yet as Believers we have the assurance that He is with us. If you are reading this, know it is not by happenstance, but by divine intervention...by grace. Allow yourself to follow the path shared within these pages with confidence knowing they are Spirit-led and gifted by Gods grace.Restored by Grace - A Journey Like No Other, is a compilation of my own personal experiences and tools which I have learned from childhood to senior adulthood to bring me to this place of peace that I enjoy today. Each of us have our own journey, our own stories of which no one can fully appreciate because they have not lived it. Therefore, we all demonstrate our unique characteristics, our idiosyncrasies to the world forgetting that while we may be different, we are all still the same in the universe. Some parts of this book you will resonate with in a mighty way while others may not apply to you directly. I
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