REVELATION Isnt it about Jesus?
**************PUBLISHER RRP: USA:$9.99 | UK:£8.15 | EU:€9.07 | CANADA:$13.74 | AU:$14.99**************THIS LITTLE BOOK WILL SHATTER THE GREATEST LIE EVER CONTRIVED TO DECEIVE THE ELECT OF GOD.Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that smashes a rock? (Jer.23.:29)What is this great deception? What is the lie so clever it has deceived millions of Christians all over the world? It is a very believable false Gospel!A Satan-glorifying end-time myth has raised itself above Christs victory at Calvary, claiming Satan is now so mighty in power neither God nor Christ can stop him from destroying the world. A Godless lie!Though popular, this false teaching is, in reality, nothing more than a disjointed collection of fanciful ideas, as easy to tear down as a house of cards. That entire false Gospel is precariously balanced on one central lie. Like a linchpin, that one lie holds all the other lies in place. When that one lie is removed, the whole pack of lies falls to the ground. So, with the help of the powerful word of God, this little book removes the linchpin and demolishes that central lie. Then shows how all the attached lies, one by one, lose their reason for existence. When Christ sets you free from this lie, you will be free indeed! We tear down arguments, and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Cor.10:5)**************See more at: www.inhisname.com.au
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