Roadmap to Financial Freedom
Skip, congratulations on your book, Roadmap to Financial Freedom. You have been in business for over 50 years and have worked diligently in helping small businesses and individuals achieve their financial goals. Your first chapter Will my Money Last is a question we all have to ask and ascertain. You and I have worked closely together since I started my accounting practice in 1972and during that time it has been my pleasure to watch you help and assist many of our mutual clients with their financial goals. W Paul Woody, CPA, EAWorking as a senior manager for a major energy company, I made decisions daily that impacted the financial success of the company. Then one day, a merger was announced, and retirement was now. After spending an hour with a human resources person, I discovered how poorly I was prepared for the financial decisions ahead of me. It was time to get educated and find someone to teach and guide me through these decisions. I turned to a college friend, Skip Nichols. He had developed a process called the Financial Lifestyle Plan that evolved into the Road Map to Financial Freedom, and it became my bible. The Road Map to FinancialFreedom touches all the important aspects for someone facing financial decisions now or preparing for the future. Bill Parker, Retired Executive Vice President, Phillips PetroleumSkips career, spanning over fifty years, has been built around helping people in financial services and informing them with sound money management principles. In 2008 he was nominated by ING Financial Partners as one of the Top Ten Financial Planners in America for business growth and community involvement. He has presented successful money management seminars at the University of Tulsa, and the Oklahoma University Dental School as well as for numerous corporations throughout America.
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