Will President Trump destroy civilization or win the Nobel Peace Prize? Humankind’s survival feels like a jump ball that could go either way. We are perched on a precipice, and the reason we are looking into an abyss of nuclear annihilation is that the American president has unencumbered, unilateral control over the nuclear codes. One thing we know for sure is that the mind of Donald Trump is currently in control of our fate. Never before have the nuclear codes been in the hands of a man who many observers view as unstable and erratic. The twenty-four experts who contributed to this book analyze President Trump’s behavior hoping to provide insights into what may be the most urgent question of our time. What will Trump do with his “big button?”Table of Contents: Chapter 1: The Erratic President-Harry Segal, PhD, Cornell UniversityChapter 2: Nuclear Risk is Rising as Donald Trump Goes Downhill-John Gartner, PhD, Founder, Duty To WarnChapter 3: If President Trump Were Airman Trump, I Would Not Certify Him Psychologically Fit to Handle Nuclear Weapons-Steven Buser, MD, Psychiatrist, Former Major, USAFChapter 4: If Trump Were a Policeman I Would Have to Take Away His Gun-David Reiss, MDChapter 5: If Trump Was Entering the Military, He Would Not Receive a Security Clearance-William Enyart, Former U.S. Congressman & Retired GeneralChapter 6: A Man with No Humanity Has the Power to Destroy Mankind-Lance Dodes, MDChapter 7: Trump’s Sick Psyche and Nuclear Weapons: A Deadly Mixture-Gordon Humphrey, former Republican SenatorChapter 8: Facing the Truth: The Power of a Predatory Narcissist-Jacqueline West, PhDChapter 9: Trump’s No Madman, He’s Following the Strongman Playbook-Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Dept. of History, NYUChapter 10: The Gospel of War Presidency-Richard Painter, Former Chief White House Ethics Lawyer-& Leanne Watt, PhDChapter 11: The Greatest Danger to America is Her Commander in Chief-Jo
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