Sam Feels Better Now! an Interactive Story for Children
Sam saw something awful and scary! Ms. Carol, a special therapist, will show Sam how to feel better. Children can help Sam feel better too by using drawings, play, and storytelling activities. They will be able to identify and manage their own feelings and difficulties in their lives following a traumatic event, crisis, or grief.Therapists Acclaim for Sam Feels Better NowThis beautiful little picture book is the ideal guide for a series oftherapy sessions that will focus the childs attention on positives andhelp to deal with the traumatic memories-- Bob Rich, PhD., AnxietyAndDepression-help.comSam Feels Better Now provides the child and therapist a safemetaphor for exploring trauma issues. The story teaches children thatcoming to therapy can be a good thing. --JoAnna White, Ed.D., Professor and Chair Department of Counseling and Psychological Services, Georgia State Univ.Visit the author online: www.JillOsborne.comBook #2 in the Growing with Love SeriesFrom Loving Healing Press www.LovingHealing.comRedefining whats possible for healing mind and spirit since 2003.
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