Santas Midlife Christmas
Santas Midlife Christmas2020 was a difficult year for all of us - SANTA is no exception! Mid-way through the year, Santa gets notified that Rudolph and the crew retired! The new and young Christmas Executives also send Santa a new-age suit, including skin-tight pleather pants, and snake skin boots! He also get a new, and much younger, sleigh team! As Santa hilariously struggles with the changes, which include an electric sleigh, and a new plan to ship the presents, Santa realizes that times are changing!  Panicked, Santa attempts to take back Christmas by calling Rudolph and the crew back, and finds that retirement-life has got the best of them! This hysterical, and relatable story, is the perfect gift for older generations who understand the pain of Santas struggle, as well as older children who need an explanation for all of the boxes getting delivered around the holidays! 
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