Seeking the One Whom We Love
How do you pray? Could there be a more personal question? Or one more challenging to answer? Yet, 55 Religious of the Sacred Heart–Roman Catholic sisters—took on the question with their characteristic humility, openness, courage and humor. Their answers are as different as they are. Together, the essays in this book reveal not just the individuality of these women, but the beauty of their relationships with the “one whom they love.” For each of us, prayer is all about a personal, individual relationship with God.   Those of us who have not taken religious vows may think Catholic sisters have some secret formula for prayer, or that they have a more direct line of communication to God. What you’ll find in these essays is that we all struggle with the same distractions, the same questions, the same desire for intimacy with our God. Prayer, it would seem, is not so much a skill as it is a journey.   This book may not teach you how to pray. But in reading these honest, straight-forward accounts from some veteran pray-ers, you might find the encouragement and reassurance to recognize that you, too, are already on the right path. After all, the desire to be in communion with God is itself a perfect prayer.
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