Seer Stone v. Urim and Thummim
Credible history vs. revisionist hearsay - Answering faith crisis with real history. A story of magic, murder and betrayal.Seer Stone v. Urim and Thummim places the Book of Mormon translation on trial, presenting the latest research in one of the most comprehensive treatments of the translation process to date providing encouragement for Latter-day Saints who fear they have been “betrayed” by the translation history taught by the Church for over 190 years.Did Joseph Smith study and master the Nephite language? Did the Prophet tutor some of the early Brethren in ancient Nephite characters?Did Joseph Smith translate the Book of Mormon using a dark seer stone in a hat?Why are progressive historians creating a new history using sources from a man who vowed to wash his hands in the blood of Joseph Smith, while boasting that he had deceived the Prophet and his God?Has The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints covered up its history for nearly 200 years?Was Joseph Smith a treasure digger? During his life, did the Prophet artfully suppress his alleged treasure digging past?Did Joseph Smith cover up his use of a seer stone during the translation, feigning use of the Urim and Thummim?What new information has The Joseph Smith Papers Project uncovered that challenges our understanding of the translation process?Is David Whitmer a credible witness of the Book of Mormon translation? Did you know that David Whitmer consulted a witch and occultic seer stones, denounced Joseph Smith as a false prophet and aided the mob in the persecution of the Missouri Saints?Was Joseph Smith involved in sorcery, astrology and ritual magic?“Seer Stone v. Urim and Thummim makes a great case for simply going ‘back to the basics’! That is, accepting the translation of the Book of Mormon as Joseph said it was done, as opposed to how oth
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