Shades makes Headlines
Meet Shades (Mr Shades to you) editor, owner and proprietor of The Evening Starling. Discover how a penniless starling refugee from Bucket Wood so quickly came to dominate the newspaper world of the Heath. Welcome to the mysterious world of the Free-flyers, including Alexander Chirp-Hartley, the foremost expert on feathered aeronautics (and, sadly, also the most accident prone). Apart from morality and the law, what could possibly stand in the way of Shades putting every other newspaper out of business? Well, getting on the wrong side of T.T. investigative journalist, Doh Tweetchickle, for a start. Learn how Doh, aided by Jock McPinecone (probably the most aggressive crested tit ever to fly south of the border) finally brings Shades to his day of reckoning in front of Lord Chief Justice Addie, the Adelaide Red cockatoo. I look forward to this lovely book taking a step sideways into animated film. It would be a must-see treat for all childrenAlexandra Latchford
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