Book DescriptionEditorial ReviewsReview Captivating inits humanity, and remarkably moving, Bellins writing brings hischaracters to life and reality so quickly that it is impossible to stopturning the pages. - The Chronicle-ExpressDavid Bellins narrative captivates the reader...a fast-paced novel,Shermans Chaplain is a great read for the Civil War enthusiast.- SanFrancisco Book Review...an impressive observation of men, humans, during one of the mostheartbreaking episodes in American history...beautifully written,historically accurate and unique in its presentation. - IP BookReviewersDavid Bellin has woven the events of 1864 and 1865 into a veryenjoyable, enlightening and thought-provoking work of historicalfiction. -- Civil War News Product DescriptionWith Atlanta in ruins behind them, sixty-thousand calloused andconfident Union army veterans follow William Tecumseh Sherman to thenext objective: Savannah. A newcomer is among them now: Ellis Brantley,a charismatic young seminary graduate with a gift for preaching. Hispowerful sermons quickly vault him from regimental chaplain to a seniorchaplains post at Shermans headquarters. There, he must contend withthe flinty and unpredictable general, a hostile captain who mocks hisbeliefs, a church-burning, half-insane soldier and, most dangerous ofall, his own conviction that he knows Gods will - a conviction thatwill lead him to brush aside a prophetic warning from a combat-seasonedofficer: You dont know war. You dont know how quickly livesare taken or changed forever. David Bellin is a retired advertising executive,the winner of a CLIO statuette, the ad worlds Oscar. He and his wifelive in the dairy farm countryside of New Yorks Finger Lakes. Hisprevious book, The Childrens War, a novelof Northern Ireland, was praised as Contemporary fiction withsomething substantive to say (Library Journal), A gripping story,well told (Bookviews), An inci
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