Shouting into the Mist
Shouting into the Mist is a contemplative self-reflection based on the theory of perception and the inescapable existential component of human existence. Any manifestation of life has a message which is shouted to an ultimately indefinable audience, to be understood and misunderstood, as well as interpreted, reinterpreted, and misinterpreted. Through one’s journey in life, and how that life intertwines with other lives amidst the balance of social constructivism, temporal concepts reveal the fragile malleability of history, fact, and existence of the individual and humanity.Arranged in multiple shouts of narratives, poetry, and essays, Shouting into the Mist started as a journal of exploration into the beautiful chaos of the individual’s confoundingly simplistic nature. The themes and self-reflections served as a cultivation mechanism for meditative thought and purposeful dissociation, to enhance theoretical understanding and application of counseling techniques and methodology. Forever in search of the indefinable within the self, scrutinizing dichotomies explore the crevices of the moral psyche, self-concept, and autonomy, as they have been done, are done, and will be done for years to come.
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