Is human life merely a brief dash between two oblivions?From an eternal perspective, does our earthly sojourn reduce to the dash between the dates on our gravestones? In the original edition, published as -The Signi?cant Life, Overcoming Your Fear of Being Unnoticed and Forgotten, George Weaver offers a penetrating analysis of the multiple attempts people have made through the centuries to gain a sense of being noticed and remembered. In this renamed 3rd edition, he skillfully demonstrates that since humans have been created in the image of the God who made them, our efforts to attain signi?cance will be shallow and pointless unless we learn to play to the Audience of One.--Kenneth Boa, Ph.D., D.Phil.; President, Re?ections Ministries, Atlanta, GA; President, Trinity House Publishers, Atlanta, GAEvery one of us wants to believe that we matter in some way, that we are important to someone, that our lives count somehow.  This quite natural desire can work itself out in self-centered and even destructive ways. George Weaver argues persuasively that our true signi?cance lies in the fact that whoever we are, no matter how obscure, how seemingly insigni?cant our accomplishments, we are important to God.  Weaver—himself a prominent Georgia attorney—is not trying to rationalize any lack of worldly accomplishments on his own part.  Rather he properly recognizes that those accomplishments amount to nothing unless viewed in relation to God and His will.--William Lane Craig, Ph.D., D.Theol.; Research Professor at Talbot School of TheologyGeorge Weaver takes on the yearning in all of our hearts: “How do I have signi? cance?” His answer is biblical: Don’t worry about lifespan, popularity, or record-setting, but focus on God and rest in His assurances.-- Marvin Olasky, Ph.D.; Editor in Chief, World News Group   The questions George Weaver raises in this book are some of the most important in human living:  Am I signi?cant
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