Six Degrees of School Improvement
Amidst the contentious debates about teacher effectiveness, most people believe that unions, education colleges,charter networks, consulting agencies, textbook publishers, test producers, professional associations,teachers, and researchers disagree with one another about the most essential school reforms. Though all thesegroups do certainly have their own interests and perspectives, they also all desire to see that students are betterprepared for a competitive world. What if all these groups worked together for that very goal? What wouldhappen if all reform work in PK-12 education centered on the improvement of teaching? Would teachers betreated differently? Would they respond to their work in more innovative ways? Would it change the quality ofeducation that children in the United States receive?Six Degrees of School Improvement: Empowering a New Profession of Teaching provides glimpses of thisrealistic approach to American education reform with an eye toward what the system might look like in one totwo generations from now. The book makes a solid case for collaborative professionalism, a system thatbinds professionals together under a common set of understandings about the ways in which children and adolescents learn content knowledge andacquire skills. It argues that popular approaches to school improvement circumvent teachers and thus further de-skill and disempower the very peopleresponsible for student learning in classrooms. Most importantly, the book provides very clear guidance on building a system of collaborative professionalismamong teachers.
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