Slicing Through the Fog
Why are all these churches so different from each other? Why are there so many versions of Christianity? Which one is right? Between his Pentecostal upbringing, and his exposure to various other Christian denominations, the questions were piling up in his head.Slicing Through the Fog is the true story of one mans journey through the fog of religious and denominational confusion, and what he found once he finally sliced through it. Follow this lost, bewildered soul as he wanders in and out of belief, apathy, liberalism, and even atheism! Cheer him on as he finally wakes up, puts down his remote control, picks up his Bible, and begins to relentlessly pursue the truth. Then come along with him on a journey of discovery as decades of unanswered questions are finally answered, and decades of confusions are finally cleared up.From salvation to foot-washing, virtually every issue is addressed. No stone is left unturned. And all the different denominations out there are placed under the white hot spotlight that is the Bible. Catholics, Orthodox, Pentecostals, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Adventists, Community churches, etc, no one gets a free pass. Everyones feet are held to the fire in an unrelenting search for the most Biblical church. After over 30 years of groping through dense fog, this one man has finally sliced through it with none other than the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17), and can now see more clearly than ever before!
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