This Manual Has Been Written For Basic Instruction In Deliverance, Deliverance The Way Jesus Christ of Nazareth Taught and Instructed Each "Believer" To Do.JESUS IS THE DELIVERER -- BASIC DELIVERANCE is not an exhaustive instruction by any means. We have gleaned from other DELIVERANCE Ministries and have taken parts from each ministry as well as our own DELIVERANCE, experiences, revelations and discernment to compile this writing.The Bible does not tell us the how to, when, where, etc. JESUS just said, "And these attesting signs shall accompany those who believe; in My Name they will drive OUT demons...." (Gospel of Mark 16:17).Just as Salvation is an experience and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, DELIVERANCE (driving OUT devils & demons) is an experience. Every DELIVERANCE Ministry that we have come in contact with does DELIVERANCE different. Some lay hands on; some expect wild manifestations; some people coming for help sit quietly and show no manifestations but their demons leave.We do not say that any of these are wrong. However, the only real evidence that you have had DELIVERANCE is that your life is different. Those things (demons) that you were controlled, harassed, driven or tormented by are no longer there. If you stole, you will steal no more. If you smoked, you will smoke no more. If you had a drug or alcohol addiction you will not have an addiction any longer. If you are depressed, fearful, sick, you will no longer be depressed, fearful or sick.
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