Stock Market Investing For Beginners
The Only Guide You Need To Invest Profitably In The Stock Market - Even If You're A Complete Beginner!Do you want to learn how to create real wealth in the stock market?Do you want to learn how to create passive income and retire early?Do you want to learn how to trade stocks and avoid costly mistakes that beginners make?Do you want to learn how to create financial freedom and live the life you deserve?...If you answered yes to the above questions, then you NEED this book. "I knew this was really important, but as a busy Mother of five, I had put off learning about the stock market for too long because it all seemed so complicated. But this book was a fast, easy read and I really liked how John explained the basics in terms I already understood. After reading it, I feel like I really know why stock investing is so important to me and my family’s financial future. And I know how to find good stocks the easy way, and how to buy my first stock to get started." - Amazon CustomerIn this book, Amazon Bestselling author, Michael Ezeanaka explains in very simple terms how the stock market works and different profitable strategies you can leverage to not only grow but also protect your investment capital. Whether you are a newcomer to investing or a veteran looking for a fresh perspective, you will enjoy the unique and practical vision for investing success offered in this Guide.In this book, you'll discover:Ingenious ways you can tell when a company stock is overvalued7 questions you need to ask before you invest in a company’s stock?The impact of aggressive central bank policies on your portfolio (Do you buy, hold or sell)?.Why is it difficult to expand your stock portfolio if you choose to become a preferred stockholder?What do you need to consider before you open a brokerage account?How you can save 57% more money using a traditional IRA account?What i
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