Strange Girls, by Joanie DiMartino, is a beautiful book of poetry with a unique voice that speaks directly about and for the spirit of women who fought against, and transcended, the oppression and limitations placed upon them, both physically and psychologically, both societal and self, and both professional and private, to live a life that expressed their true individuality. In this book Joanie presents poetry, which is both eminently accessible, honed, concise and multifaceted in its concept, reaching far into the real politics of feminist literature, and is testament to her devotion to the cause of womens rights. This is a wonderful book of poetry written by a woman, about women, for everyone. Leslie McGrath, author of Opulent Hunger and Opulent Rage writes of the book: It begins with an exhalation- Calliope breathes/and this air/fills the calliope and weve entered the raucus world of Strange Girls, filled with squawks and shrieks, blue tulle and pink feathers, burnt popcorn and gunpowder. DiMartinos Strange Girls are circus women like DiMartinos own Great-Aunt Josephine: snake charmers, bearded ladies, contortionists, sword swallowers and more. Each is drawn in precise, glittering detail through the poets swashbuckling use of various poetic forms. Among the most impressive are her concrete poems, which spiral and skitter through the collection. Every one of DiMartinos sirens, sufferers, and spider-women is uniquely of her era, and of ours. Strange Girls endure.
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