Strong Heart
"...rife with secrets and hidden depths." - Kirkus ReviewsOne stormy May night, just as Tom Olsen is about to leave with his Native American friends to visit his grandfather's grave deep in Washington State's Olympic Peninsula wilderness, he answers a knock at his door to find an abandoned thirteen year old girl.  The girl announces her name is Sarah Cooley and that Tom is her grandfather. She tells Tom he lives at the end of the earth. All she sees is dripping forest, tall trees, rain and wind. Astonished, all Tom sees is trouble. He knows he should cancel the trip and deal with Sarah, but when his friends suggest bringing Sarah along,Tom reluctantly agrees, hoping a backpacking trip might teach Sarah some sorely needed lessons about character, responsibility and grit.All too soon, Tom and his friends have reason to  wonder – are they taking Sarah Cooley on this journey, or is she taking them? Adventure, scientific inquiry, a tinge of mystery, and a hint of the unexplainable infuse this meticulously-imagined tale. In a story matching the breathtaking scope of its Pacific Northwest and North Pacific setting, Sheldon's tale startles, yet challenges us to think.*And now ADRIFT, the exciting follow-up to STRONG HEART, is available for PRE-ORDER (publication date Sept. 21, 2018): The Seattle Express, a 700-foot container ship bound for Seattle, is on fire in the Gulf of Alaska. Rescue tugs race to salvage the ship before it is lost to the battering seas, but when the lifeboat of one crew member, William, goes missing for days, his daughter and her friends form a desperate plan. 
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