A beautiful blend of the poetic and pragmatic, Struggle is a fresh, soothing and helpful take on dealing with the ups and downs of life.- Caroline Webb, author of How To Have A Good Day and Senior Adviser to McKinsey & CompanyThe antidote to fake positivity... An honest, uplifting, refreshing read. - Marianne Cantwell, author of Be a Free Range HumanStruggling? Youre in the right place.In a world thats obsessed with fast hacks, quick wins, and Instagram-perfection (cue Everything is Awesome), struggle has become a taboo. A sign that somethings gone horribly wrong. But what if weve got it all wrong about getting it wrong?What if struggle isnt a battle to fight, a trap to avoid, or a sign of weakness? What if struggle is precisely where the magic happens - where we do our best, most important work?Whether youre wading in treacle, waiting for the storm to pass or just damn tired of the hustle, this thought-provoking exploration will shine a surprising new light on the truth, beauty and opportunity hidden in lifes shittier moments.Author of the award-winning How to be Really Productive, Grace Marshall is known for her refreshingly human approach to productivity. Featured in The Guardian, Forbes, Huffpost and BBC Radio, her work as a Productivity Ninja has taken her from Norway to New York, helping thousands of people - from startup founders to corporate managers, artists to engineers, students and CEOs - to replace stress, overwhelm and frustration with success, sanity and satisfaction.
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