Super Principia Mathematica - The Rage to Master Conceptual & Mathematica Physics - The First Law of Motion (Inertial M
The Super Principia Mathematica - The Rage to Master Conceptual& Mathematical Physics - The First Law of Motion describes Matterand Motion without the consideration of Forces.Using Classical and Modern physics a Universal Kinetic AetherTheory, emerges which describes and predicts:• Motion without Forces• Difference between Isotropic and Anisotropic Motion• Internal and External Frames of Reference• The Aether Revealed; was Hidden in the Math of the Kinetic Energy Equation• The Aether described as Free Heat Energy• Dark Matter & Newtons Infamous Inherent Inertia Mass Revealed• Temperature of the Aether• Introduction to Aethro-Kinematics & the Ideal Gas Law• The Mass constituents of the Atom• Introduction to the Laws of Thermodynamics• Among other physics concepts involving the First Law of MotionThe Super Principia Mathematica presents physics and mathematics inthe form of simple math models, pictures, definitons, and aphorisms;where anyone with an understanding of algebra and basic calculus canwork out the equations laid out in each chapter, that will help to explainthe mysteries of the workings of the Universe.
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