Sweet Mysteries of Life
The stories in this collection deal with life's quotidian mysteries. Almost all are true yet not true. Several are pure fantasy. In each, something has been set in motion that will change forever the lives of the protagonists in small or large ways. Often it is left to the reader to discover what it is that has happened. Each vignette deals with an aspect of human relationships, good or bad, relationships that transform themselves as we stumble through different stages of life, relating to  one another in humorous, serious or even murderous ways. Some told in a man's voice, others in that of a woman, explore the relationship of parent and child, of husband and wife, of neighbors. They explore our relationship with authority, with government, and even with the horrors of a future world without promise. "Your stories were a joy to read and very moving. My favorites are "How I Remember It," "Absalom," "The Gender Gap," "The Headmaster," and "Family Feud." The voices are so strong and pure, completely without sentimentality or any search for easy answers. And compelling! When I was halfway through "Absalom," the phone rang and I almost came put of my skin. Needless to say I didn't answer. The male narrators are also terrific.  Indeed, all the stories of marriage and family have a tone that is vivid, different and true. The stories are not like Grace Paley's, but I take a similar pleasure in them- their intelligent examination of life, how incident and memories reflect back the larger life yet so much remains unknowable...As a reader I want to know more about these men, women, sons and daughters."                                            &
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